Thursday, August 4, 2016

Using Social Media To Affect SEO

Using Social Media To Affect SEO

Social Media Marketing


Although Social Media activities do affect Search Rankings but Google doesn’t directly impact on the Ranking Algorithm but one shouldn’t ignore the Social Marketing efforts. Have a look at some of the areas & the Social Media activities that affect SEO Ranking.

A) Creating Viral/Contagious Content:

SEO Content

The major goal is to create a Viral/Contagious content where the audience has to be inspired. The Key Elements to Viral/Contagious content including:
  • Easy to Remember
  • Content with Emotional Value
  • People should feel good to share the Content
  • Useful/Informative Content
  • History/Compelling Stories relate content get people talking more about the content & it encourages the Audience to share it.

B) Sharing On Google+ Impacts On Ranking:


As Google has their own Social Network Google+, it makes Sense & Leverage on ranking slightly. When post on Google+, it helps the Brand’s Website to get rank for keywords/Phrases within the post. Any +1’d content will rank higher & quickly in personalized search results however won’t help much to change the actual ranking of the content. Best strategy including:
  • Get More Followers
  • Follow & Interaction inside the Google+ Communities
  • Share Posts on Profile/Pages & Communities

C) How To Help Business To Improve Ranking Using Social Media:

Social Media Strategy

Once the Social Profiles ranked on Google S.E.R.P. (Search Engine Result Page), Viral/Contagious Content posted, it’s very essential not to ignore Social Listening (below are the main pointers) to engage with the Audience.

  • Be Present
  • Ask Questions to engage with the audience
  • When someone mention the brand or tweet about the company, makes them feel heard and response on-time is one of the best way to manage Positive Brand Image & Building Relationship & to help recognize the Brand.

4 Tools for Social Listening/ Social Customer Service:

  • Rignite
  • SparkCentral
  • Mention
  • Social Studio

  • D) Using Hashtag For Social SEO:

    How to Use Hashtags

          I.        Following rules never to ignore using Hashtag for Social SEO:
    ·         Always use Keywords that is trendy, High in Search Volume & must not be Long-Tail Keyword (Use Google Adwords Keyword Planner to get help in Keywords Suggestion)
    ·         Don’t use more than 2 or 3 Hashtags in each Post

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