Monday, November 21, 2016

Twitter Bot | Are Twitter bots most Effective for Increasing Followers and Traffic?

Twitter Bot

What can the Twitter Bots do?
Favorite Tweets
Re-tweet Tweets
Follow Users
DM (Direct Message) Followers
Public-Reply to Tweets
DM (Direct Message) Reply to Tweets
Add Users to Twitter List

Where to Create Twitter Bots?

Step # 1: Create an Application:
Fill the following fields inside the App Twitter including:
App Description
Website URL
Click to “Yes, I Agree” & it will let you create your first Twitter Application by clicking on “Create your Twitter Application”.

Step # 2: How to change the Twitter Bots Access Level?
Go to the Application Settings & click “Modify App Permission”. Built-in setting as Read & Write Only.
Now Click to Read, Write & Access DM (Direct Message) & Click “Update Settings”
Our Twitter Application is almost ready now

Step # 3: How to Access Keys & Tokens?
Go to the Application Settings & click “Keys & Access Tokens” & click on the “Create my Access Token”

Step # 4: Integrating Twitter Bot (Twitter App) with
Go to the & Paste “Keys & Access Tokens” that has been generated on Twitter Bot (Twitter App)
Copy & Paste the following Key & Token on
Consumer Key
Consumer Secret
Access Token
Access Secret

Step # 5: Creating Bots with
Creating bot is so simple at by defining the
Search Phrase
Specify the Action
& the Bot will be ready

Best Examples of Generating a Bot with
Example # 1:
To Capture all the Tweets with Hashtag #FreeWebsiteBuilder that has been re-tweeted at least 20 times
Generating Bot # 1:
Bot#1: #FreeWebsiteBuilder min_retweets:20
Select Action: Favorite Tweet

Example # 2:
To mention all the Tweets added with wrong spelling of Free Websiet Buildar publically tweets.
Generating Bot # 2:
Bot#2: Free Websiet Buildar
Select Action: Send Public Reply
Text: I believe the correct spelling is Free Website Builder

You can set the Start & End Time duration for responding to each of the tweets using the Tweet Bots.

Step # 6: Final Phase of Create Twitter Bots
By clicking “Create Twitter Bots” it creates the background process where it will be working after every 15 min so it will find the matching tweets of how the user defines it in the action & Text fields inside

3rd Party Twitter Bots Generator/Automation Tool

Here are the list of most effective Twitter bots for increasing followers and traffic:



Though it’s still debatable either the Twitter Bots is to increase more followers & Engagement Level on your Twitter Profile or just made it to make you looks good.

Where Social Media Expert says that it’s better to engage with the real audience with Real People instead of using these Twitter bots & mentioned on high prior note not to use Bots that Automate Tweeting or following or your account will get banned this way.

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